Utah Valley University has teamed up with team Blitz to host an exciting rugby summer camp this June. Held on UVU's campus, the 3 day camp is open to male and female players between the ages 17-25 years old.
The camp will include expertise of some top International players from the All Blacks, Wallabies, and Super 14 such as Sosene Anesi, Christian Lealiifano, Wycliff Palu, and John Schwalger to name a few!
Covering theoretical and tactical knowledge, and providing positional skills specific training techniques, this is a really unique opportunity for young players. William Fale, UVUs head coach and the camp organizer, was inspired to hold the camp based on his experience as a rugby player. The exposure and access to top level players was life changing for him and something he passionately wanted players in the US to also experience (there will be more on William in a future podcast...coming soon!).
The camp costs $300 per person and you just need to cover your food, accommodation and travel out to Utah. The registration deadline is coming up fast, so if your interested, please act soon.
To register and get further details, head on over to www.teamblitzsports.com
Friday, May 21, 2010
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