Calling all men of the NYC Metropolitan rugby! Movember is an exciting way for NY Rugby to raise awareness for men's health issues and have a good time while doing it. This year we would like to issue a NY Rugby challenge to you all and ask that you register on and join the New York MO-tropolitan Network.
There are a few ways you can get involved, either individually or through a team. Each department is encouraged to start a team made up of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas.
A team is a way to make Movember fun and engaging. Once you create a team, you gotta do some mo-recruiting because, let's face it, other than Tom Selleck no one can really wear a moustache alone.
Movember, the month formerly known as November, is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health.
• REGISTER at: and start your team up!
• RECRUIT team members by using the email, Facebook and Twitter “BUILD YOUR TEAM” tools off of your Mo Space page ... Remember to make sure your team members are registered! Believe it or not, just growing a Mo will not cure cancer!
• JOIN the New York MO-tropolitan Network from your Mo Space page:
• CREATE a new look by starting to grow your Mo on Movember 1st
• MOTIVATE your friends and family to support your growing efforts by using the email, Facebook and Twitter “Ask for Donations” tools off of your Mo Space page
• CELEBRATE your journey at a Mo themed end of Movember Celebration:, or host your own with the office by ordering your free Movember party-in-a-box:
The Movember website provides many great resources including personalized fundraising pages and promotional materials to help your Movember cause. If you need any help along the way or need any information, you can email Katie Thiele at
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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