Full event details are below, and tickets can be purchased at http://www.2012nycrugbycup.charityhappenings.org/
What: NYC Rugby Cup Cocktail Benefit
Where: Saatchi & Saatchi SSpace, 375 Hudson Street
When: June 14th, 2012, 7-11PM (VIP Cocktail Hour from 6-7)
Event features:
Event features:
- VIP Reception, with HM British Consul General Danny Lopez, 16th Floor, 6pm - 7pm
- Main Reception, SSpace (ground floor) 7pm - 11pm.
- Full open bar & Hor D'oeurves
- Silent Auction and Raffle
- Internship Graduation and Awards.
- HM British Consul General, Danny Lopez - London 2012.