Tuesday, October 27, 2009

MARFU - Bid Requests for 2010 Collegaite Championships

Courtesy of Carl Schmitt, President of Virginia Rugby Union

The Mid Atlantic RFU is seeking bids to host one or more of our 5 divisions of Collegiate Rugby. Bids documents can be obtained at the MARFU website
via the following link: www.marfu.org/marfubidform.htm

Bids are due on November 30, 2009, and are to be submitted via email to schmittcf@gmail.com
The dates for the semi and final rounds of the Championships are Saturday, March 27, and Sunday, March 28,2010.

Bids may be submitted for any (or all) of the following Divisions

  • Women’s Collegiate Division I (4 teams, 2 matches/day)
  • Women’s Collegiate Division II (4 teams, 2 matches/day)
  • Men’s Collegiate Division I (4 teams, 2 matches/day, plus B-Side Championship on Saturday)
  • Men’s Collegiate Division II (4 teams, 2 matches/day)
  • Men’s Collegiate Division III (4 teams, 2 matches/day)


Effective 6/1/97, Mid-Atlantic championship events will be partially sponsored and funded by
The following items will be reimbursed to the host club or organization, based on the costs provided in your bids, with 50% being paid 30 days prior to the event, and the balance due 30 days after successful completion of the event.

Cost of Referees

  • field rental/leasing
  • on-site medical personnel
  • field preparation components (paint, etc.)
  • game equipment (to include balls, but not goalpost pads).

Describe the cost of these items on a separate piece of paper; final reimbursements will not exceed the amount that you provide.

Carl Schmitt
President, Virginia Rugby Union

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