Adams Morgan the Movie, a full length feature film, is currently filming in Washington DC. There are two rugby scenes in this film which will be filmed on Sunday morning.
The producers have requested 30 players and at least 60 people to act as "fans". Filming will start at 7am on Sunday and run until about 2pm. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided.
Filming will take place behind the DC United's practice field next to RFK at the corner of C street and Oklahoma Ave NE. Turn off C street onto Oklahoma, take your first right into the parking lot. Closest metro is Stadium / Armory.
If you are interested in being part of this movie, please email Stefan so he can put you on the list.
Players: The "match" is between two adult men's teams, sorry ladies (and young looking college players). Please wear normal rugby attire, boots, headgear if you normally wear it etc, jersey's will be provided.
Fans: The "match" is supposed to take place in the Fall, so just dress as you would if you were going to watch a match. Please do not wear any articles of clothing that could be viewed as product placement, rugby jerseys are ok. Need people of all ages, gender etc. Little kids are more than welcome. Need to make this look as genuine as possible Please let me know if you have any questions.
More information on the movie can be found at http://www.adamsmorganthemovie.com