I recently read this article discussing the length of a yellow card suspension in U19 rugby. If you don’t want to follow the link and read the article it basically brings up the issue that some people, (who these people are isn’t really discussed but I guess they’re loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to be recognized) are questioning the application of a ten-minute suspension in a seventy minute match. The argument is that if the game is shorter the suspension should be shorter. The writer (there’s no byline) makes some good points on both sides of the issue. Readers make some emotional points in the comments. The Angry Ref will summarize the correct opinion: “Balderdash!”
Here’s the deal kids, regardless of all the good points for or against, if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. It’s that simple. If you don’t want to sit out for ten minutes don’t tackle high, don’t fail to bind, don’t punch a guy in the butthole. Just don’t do it. If you do get caught doing something like that then man up, shut up, and shape up. The yellow card is a tool for us to control you when you won’t listen to reason. You usually get a penalty and a talking to before a card (except in the case of a punch or a stomp or something like that) and that is your chance to get you shit together. If you can’t do it and your captain can’t get you to do it then you’re going to sit. And when you sit the last thing you should do is complain about the length.