I'm reaching out to you as part of the American rugby community. If you are interested in helping further research on rugby and media exposure in the U.S., fill out this survey.
Link: https://docs.google.com/ a/newschool.edu/spreadsheet/ viewform?formkey= dHRxQVVvLXBMOVhfRGFIUU0zMFZIbF E6MQ#gid=0
Please send it to all your rugby contacts and spread it around your network - posting to blogs and other forms of social media is highly encouraged. Thank you for your participation!
Marta Tartar
MA in Media Studies, The New School
Link: https://docs.google.com/
Please send it to all your rugby contacts and spread it around your network - posting to blogs and other forms of social media is highly encouraged. Thank you for your participation!
Marta Tartar
MA in Media Studies, The New School