All Small College rugby fans are encouraged to attend this event and have a fantastic time in Philly. Details for the CRC event, when finalized, will be posted on line at http://www.usasevenscrc.com/.
All NSCRO 7s news can be found in the NSCRO 7s Section at http://www.nscro.org.
NSCRO 7s Rules, Regulations, Policies, etc. can be found at http://www.eteamz.com/NSCRO/ handouts/index.cfm?cat=220868
See attached Press Release for additional information.
NSCRO 7s – Approved Qualifying Tournaments
QTs are run by host clubs in accordance with NSCRO 7s “Competition Rules and Regulations”. All participating teams must adhere to these Rules and Regulations along with all NSCRO-related Policies and the 2014 Conditions of Entry (for the National 7s Championship event). All QTs have a limit on the number of teams they will accept. Contact QT Host ASAP if interested. Teams may participate in more than one QT.
Jan. 25 - University of West Florida (Pensacola, FL)
Host Contacts: Will Nield, wen1@students.uwf.edu and Michael Wathen, michaeljwathen@gmail.com
April 5 - New England College (Henniker, NH)
Host Contact: Jeremy Treece, necrugby@hotmail.com
April 5 - University of Richmond (Richmond, VA)
Host Contact: Carl Schmitt, schmittcf@gmail.com
April 5 - Grove City College (Grove City, PA)
Host Contacts: Geoff Jordan, gjordan14@gmail.com and Chuck Kriley cekriley@gcc.edu
April 5-6 - Wayne State College (Wayne, NE)
Host Contact: Darrin Barner, wscrugby@hotmail.com
April 12 - Emory University (Atlanta, GA)
Host Contacts: Ross Hilton, rossphilton@gmail.com and Rene Daniel, rmdaniel99@gmail.com
April 12 - Neumann University (Philadelphia, PA)
Host Contacts: Jon Niles, niles@susqu.edu and Geoff Karabin, KARABING@neumann.edu
April 12 – University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA)
Host Contact: Kreg Nelson, knelson@pacific.edu
For more information about NSCRO 7s, contact NSCRO 7s Commissioner Howard Kent at info@denversevensrugby.com