The Pan American Rugby Writers Association (PAWRA) proudly announces Curtis Reed, founder and managing editor of This Is American Rugby (TIAR), as the winner of its inaugural 2013 Writer of the Year award! Nominations for this award were taken from among the PAWRA membership, then the top three nominations were ranked by each member in a voting process. Curtis' selection by his peers as the top writer of 2013 is a tremendous nod of respect.
Curtis dedicates himself to producing an independent rugby news site for the fans of rugby in North America. Under his direction, TIAR provides fresh content and consistent reports on the USA National Teams, Club and College rugby, and the various US-eligible players abroad. Curtis also writes 90% of the content for TIAR, as well as producing a byline on the news site. Finally, he encourages local rugby writers to contribute to the process and nurtures them through some of the travails that he has already encountered.
Ted Hardy, a frequent contributor to TIAR and owner/operator of the Rugby America news site, states, "I'd like to congratulate Curtis on the award, which is a testament to his love for rugby and covering the sport here in the USA - something that is a labor of love and often a thankless pursuit. Curtis' dedication, consistency, and content are unparalleled amongst American rugby writers."
Danielle Seigler is a new contributor to TIAR covering women's rugby. She chimes in saying, "A massive congratulations to Curtis for this excellent achievement. Not only has Curtis brought breaking rugby news to anticipating readers, but he provides the opportunity for budding journalists to express their point of view in a new medium. For me, it has been a great honor to explore this new territory with Curtis leading the charge."
Grant Cole
Sales & Marketing Director, T5 1/2
Media Coordinator, Allied Rugby Conference
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